Aluminum Labels, Aluminum Caps, Monofilament
56” x 48”
This work is the culmination of my artwork made at my residency at A to Z Wineworks. This work is about the manual labor it takes to make something beautiful just like in wine. This artwork was very tedious and methodical to make. A lot of the work was hard due to the motor skills needed. I had to cut the aluminum label on both sides so they wouldn't be sharp, I had to bend them into place, then I had to staple them to the next label with just the right amount of overlap which majority of the time would fail to puncture the materials. I did this over and over again. Then I had to puncture holes in some of the labels and caps and tie them with monofilament. It was a lot of work over a long amount of time for a fulfilling outcome.
Metal, Lees, Rope, Wood
34” x 34” x 91”
Follow the link to see a short video of this work.
Functional Imbalance
Cement, Plastic, Lees, Wood, Wood Oil, Rope
52.5” x 43”
Functional Imbalance talks about my endeavors to balance offers and opportunities in my life from Ph.D. offers, residency offers, being a professor, making art, and having a personal life. Though my life isn't balanced, it still functions.”
Is Wealth Natural?
Metal, Wood, Wood oil
44” x 44” x 38”
With this piece, I ask the question is it natural to try and achieve wealth as a human being? Should we prioritize some resources over others? Or is personal wealth more important?
Flip Side
Corks, Dyed Yarn, Metal, Lees, Rope, Wine, Wood
54” x 34”
In Flip Side, the different wood materials are the centerpieces of the artwork for me. Both the wood of the barrel and the corks, as part of the vessel, time stamp, and marker of labor. They all have their individual history about how the wine they are stained with was made. They are a visual of a group of people’s labor. I believe the colors displayed in the corks honor the hard work that was used to put into the wine.
Follow the link to see a short video of this artwork.
Acrylic, Cardboard, Charcoal, Lees, Yarn, Wine Dyed Yarn
60” x 48”
Camouflaged is an abstraction of how I perceive the barrels from A to Z Wineworks and Rex Hill. In this artwork, I abstract the branding logo on each of the barrel heads and change the organization of the wine types that would be in the barrel. I paint each barrel head with lees respectively with the type of wine that would be in that barrel. Even the metal stands on which the barrel heads lay are differently shaped but are designed to show that they would support the weight of the barrels.
Cardboard, Dyed Yarn, Plastic, Lees, Yarn
48” x 34”
Slip Space
Acrylic, Cardboard, Yarn
117” x 25”
Another artwork created during my residency at A to Z Wineworks, Slip Space is integrated into the stairwell to the winery break room where employees get rest from the difficult manual labor. I created this artwork so that it may serve as a symbol of rest as employees make their way to the break room away from production grounds. The term "Slip Space" is used as a making a transition from one space to another, as a way a for me to symbolize making a transition from work to rest.
Que Hace Tiempo?
Acrylic, Cardboard, Yarn, Wine Dyed Yarn
49”x 58”
This is the first artwork created at my Residency A to Z Wineworks. This artwork is installed into and around a window that my fellow coworkers and I passed each day. Due to how busy we were consistently working, up to 12 hours a day for five to six days a week, I often looked out of the window and questioned what time and day it was, as I watched the landscape outside the window change from season to season. This work incorporates the wine that I helped make at this residency within the materials. This work is inserted into and around a window.