For A Common King.jpg

A Common King

A Common King


A Common King
Acrylic, Charcoal, Cardboard, Plastic Packaging
12’ x 8’

“A Common King” is a commentary on America’s social, political, and religious realm. Though I am religious and do have political standpoints my goal is to make the viewer realize that they have very similar systems of hierarchy and the unfavorable things that occur behind doors.

A Common King (Detail 1)

Totem heads that can be stacked in any combination. They create unique narratives and characters when each specific head and body are made into different combinations.

A Common King (Detail 2)

A representation of the negative hierarchical scale and activities that occurs in religion.


A Common King (Behind Closed Doors)

A Common King (Detail 4)

A representation of the negative hierarchical scale and activities that occurs in politics.

A Common King (Detail 5)

A panel that shows the process of laws being pass from the president, to congress, to being in action.


A Common King (Detail 6)

A comic book panel strip that makes is an analogy and makes light of the idea how religion and politics attempt to hold power over their members.

A Common King (Detail 7)

A combination of items and imagery that is representative of American culture. These items presented are things that are also controlled by our government such as money, medicine, food, and social media.

A Common King (Detail 8)


A Common King (Detail 9)